Tuesday, February 14, 2017

EDUC 631 - Web 2.0 Technologies for Online Learning

EDUC 631 - Foundation of Educ. Tech Online Learning 

Web 2.0 Technologies for Online Learning

My YouTube Video: Web 2.0 Technologies

This is Evonne Dantzler for this week’s video blog I choose Topic 4, which is
In what ways, do you and/or your friends and colleagues use Web 2.0, including activities unrelated to school? And, what potential do you see in these technologies for online learning?

As for me and my colleagues, our school uses Google Drive for slides, documents, and presentations; basically, because it is a free service. However, I am a business teacher under the Career and Technical Education department and I have the Microsoft Office Suite on all the computers in my lab.  As for using Web 2.0 for activities unrelated to my job, currently I am only using what is required of me by Liberty University. For this semester, I am using a Blog and Screen Capturing software.

Pertaining to online learning, I teach Exploring Career Decision (8th grade) and Career Management (9th grade) and I use Google Classroom for collaboration, assignments, feedback, and interaction with my students. As mentioned, I teach CTE courses and my student have access to Microsoft Office and we use them frequently; generally, the students have a choice to which software they want to use for certain assignments; Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.   

According to Cummings (2015) Google Docs is a Web 2.0 technology that will enhance collaborative learning by allowing students and instructors to comment and add dialogue to assignments, both in class and outside of class (p. 83). Plus, Web 2.0 technologies provide teachers with numerous chances to create a 21st century learning environments in their classroom (Sadaf, Newby, & Ertmer, 2015, p. 38).

Since our school district focus more on Google Drive free apps, I will introduce my students to Google Docs for writing assignments and for student-to-student collaboration as well as teach them how to create a collage using Google Drawings. Google Docs will enable students to create and or view documents, share and edit other people documents, and collaborate using a Google Doc (Google, 2017).

Cummings, L. (2015). Flipping the online classroom with web 2.0: the asynchronous workshop. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 79(1), 81-101. doi:10.1177/2329490615602250

Google. (2017). How to use Google Docs. Retrieved from https://support. google.com/docs/answer/7068618?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

Sadaf, A., Newby, T. J., & Ertmer, P. A. (2015). An investigation of the factors that influence preservice teachers’ intentions and integration of web 2.0 tools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(1), 37-64. doi:10.1007/s11423-015-9410-9

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