Thursday, March 2, 2017

EDUC 501- Developmental Case Study

Course: EDUC 501 - Advanced Child Development 

Developmental Case Study

Professor: Dr. Joyce Harth

Course Rational:
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52, King James Version). This statement of Jesus’s human development encompasses the domains examined in this course: cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and spiritual. An understanding of child development is essential for developmentally appropriate practice in the classroom (Liberty University, 2016).

Assignment: Developmental Case Study
The assignment requirements were to identify 2 students with various levels of development. I had to obtain permission to observe each student and make notes on the three developmental domains; physical, cognitive, and social/emotional.  The attached document describes what I observed on each student.  

You can review my completed assignment by clicking the hyperlink below:


Liberty University. (2016). EDUC 501: Advanced child development [Word Document]. Retrieved from course_id=_285296_1&content_id=_10631334_1

Urban Child Institute. (2016). Developmental domain [photograph]. Retrieved from

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