Tuesday, March 7, 2017

EDUC 633 - Instructional Design Team Project

Course: EDUC 633 -Principles of Design & Mgmt. in Distance Education

(Ready to Manage, 2017)

Professor: Dr. Jennifer Courduff

Course Rational: This course exists to give the student the skills needed to design and manage instructional projects in the growing and changing distance education environment. The student will learn about the importance of integrating the principles of instructional design into the development of training, support, and all facets of instructional technology management for various environments.

Description: The purpose of the module or workshop should be to assist pre-service educators, educators, administrators, or staff in developing an attitude, skill, or knowledge to assist them with the meaningful integration of technology or distance education in the classroom, school, university, or organization. Thus, the lesson maybe developed for a K-12 setting, higher education setting, corporate, or government setting. The project should be based on a real-world environment of your choice.

Assignment: Instructional Design Team Project
In this course, you will develop a web-based or mobile module or workshop based on best practices for distance education design and learning.  

The final project is comprised of four items:
(1) An instructional design report 
(2) Two recorded ISD team planning sessions,
(3) A web-based or mobile module or workshop.
(4) A statement of contribution

Click the link: ISD Team Project

Team Members:
Kathleen Andersen
Jennifer Houchin
Victoria Pierce
Evonne Dantzler

Ready to Manage. (2017). Instructional design [Clipart]. Retrieved from http://blog.readytomanage.com/why-is-good-instructional-design-more-important-than-ever-in-the-modern-world/

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