Friday, March 3, 2017

EDUC 637 - Social Studies Strategy Portfolio

EDUC 637 Teaching Social Studies in the Middle School

(Clipart Fox, 2016)

Professor: Dr. Carol Gillespie

Course Rational: Cognitive skills evolved from the need to place a heavier emphasis on content being developed in the General Studies while the technique for communicating those skills to middle-grade children has been designated as the role of the School of Education. In social sciences, the focus must be upon the development of cognate skills as opposed to the mere retention of facts. Current teachers must stay abreast of the latest approaches to instructional practice in middle education social studies, to include general philosophical approaches and specific tools and techniques (Gillespie, 2016).

Assignment: Social Studies Strategy Portfolio
For this assignment, you will select a topic in the general area of social studies instruction in middle grade education and examine accompanying literature related to that topic to identify the latest trends and issues. Ultimately, you will compile these results into a PowerPoint presentation of around 10 slides to identify these trends (Gillespie, 2016). Please click the link to see the assignment:

Clipart Fox. (2016). Social studies [Clipart]. Retrieved from

Gillespie, C. (2016). EDUC 637 syllabus [Microsoft Word]. Retrieved from

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